Harden show is held behind the Fleece Pub every second Sunday in September.
We are currently into our 58th Year and welcome new and old to come and enjoy the show.
From novice to experienced, horticulture to crafts, there is a category for all.
With prize money and silverware up for grabs, is there a champion in YOU?
Come along and find out…

Following the retirement of our chairman, after this years show, and a dwindling committee membership, the majority of which are now over 70 years of age, we are reaching out to our local community.
We are desperately in need of new blood to join our Harden Beck Horticultural Society, Harden Show Team. The Team is responsible for the upkeep of the Show Field & the organisation of the very popular Annual Show. We meet approximately 6
times a year, the first Monday of the month at 7.30pm in The Malt Harden. Are you interested in helping your community? – no knowledge of plants or planting is required, just your enthusiasm!
Unfortunately if we are unable to recruit new members to our team 2019 could potentially be our last annual show!! After 58 years and a history which pre dates World War 2, it would be sad to see the Society fold through lack of support.
If your are interested in joining our team or have any questions please use the contact page on our website  or contact Dave on 01535 272337

Our Shows & Events

Harden Beck Hort. Society

  • Date & Time September 15th